
Kilkenny Bereavement Support is a voluntary organisation whose volunteers have undergone a training course in bereavement support. They come from all walks of life. Some of the volunteers are trained counsellors or are taking a training course in counselling.


who can use the service?

All who have been bereaved by death. We support bereaved people of all ages in Kilkenny and surrounding counties.

We aim to promote the well-being of bereaved people and to enable anyone bereaved by death to understand their grief and cope with their loss. 
The Organisation provides support and offers information, education and training services. It is a free confidential, one to one, non-denominational service.

how we work

Having contacted Kilkenny Bereavement Support (086-0670566), the Director of Services arranges for a bereavement volunteer to meet with the bereaved person. Villa Maria, Talbots Inch, Freshford Road, Kilkenny is the location for such meetings.


The volunteer offers what is essentially a listening service. Kilkenny Bereavement Support believes that bereaved people more than anything else want to tell their story, to be really listened to, to know that this is done in confidence, to be allowed to express their emotions, and to spend as long as they wish in this process.

Suicide Support

In recent years, unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number of people who have died by suicide. It is estimated that at least five people will be seriously impacted by such a death. Many others will also be bereaved – family, neighbours, friends, co-workers, fellow students. All who have had a relationship to the person will feel a loss.


Kilkenny Bereavement Support offers one-to-one support for those bereaved by suicide. Besides, we offer a variety of supports. We meet with bereaved families, with schools and with groups where a death by suicide has occurred.

why contact kilkenny bereavement support?

Following a death, some people can feel overwhelmed by their emotions and may find those difficult to express in their own environment. 

For some people, a wave of grief may not be experienced several years following the death. This can be a frightening experience for some if they find that the supports they relied on once are no longer there. It helps the healing process to talk with a trained listener and work through the strong feelings associated with grief. 


Children grieve differently and we offer them a specialized service.


Mission Statement

We aim to promote the well-being of bereaved people and to enable anyone bereaved by death to understand their grief and cope with their loss.